Windows XP Hack Administrator Account/ more Account

Here I will demonstrate simple ways to penetrate the protection
an account windows xp:

terminal configuration gui done at the user account control panel

but I guarantee this way you can also apply to windows vista and have done testing.I recommend 

a fairly complete software used to computer forensic needs of hiren's -> software is quite complex but

I only use an application package to didalamya generate encryption / encoding files microsoft sam c

onducted in directory
kernel core windows:
C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ config

The following is the procedure do that, my screen display is also capturen
to better facilitate:
do configuration on bios settings and make sure the computer boots with
cd room mode (to load files on CDRoom)

after the black window appears select the start Hiren's BootCD :

after there were some numbers select option 3 -> a password & regitry Tools:

then you select no 1 -> Acive password charger :

select yes to run the application

Then you select the number 2 if the operating system installed on drive C if not

You can choose number 2 to determine the drive where the file sam on the operating system
stored and press enter

Please wait while the application will do generate & ennumerasi Account:

Will be displayed next sam files that have been in the patch, please select the Account
Your target & press enter:


and please you press Enter -> then be shown the information that the file has been successfully sam
patchhappy -:)


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