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FindDomains v0.1.1(tools)
Posted on 24 Desember 2009 by c0decstuff
FindDomains v0.1.1 is released. You can get it from http://code.google.com/p/finddomains/
FindDomains is a multithreaded search engine discovery tool that will be very useful for penetration testers dealing with discovering domain names/web sites/virtual hosts which are located on too many IP addresses. Provides a console interface so you can easily integrate this tool to your pentest automation system.
It retrieves domain names/web sites which are located on specified ip address/hostname.
Some outlines :
- Uses Bing search engine.
- Multithreaded on crawling and DNS resolution so works very fast.
- Performs DNS resolution for extracted domains to eleminate cached/old records.
- Has a console interface so it can be very useful with some command-line foo.
- Works with Mono.
Sample usage :
- FindDomains.exe
- FindDomains.exe www.hotmail.com
Mesut Timur
Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service.
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Prove to peers and potential employers without a doubt that you can actually do a proper penetration test. IACRB CPT and CEPT certs require a full practical examination in order to become certified.iacertification
Source: securityfocus
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